Monday, August 13, 2007

Ready Get Set....GO!!!

OK, here's the deal. I'm starting a blob, i mean a may very well turn into a blob of nonsense, at least that's my hope. Sense is overrated. It will certainly be chocker block full of "absolutely pants", meaning nothing of use or value, tons of typos, words/thought/concepts from my personal dictionary & lexicon (A.K.A. B.S.), angst, or at least pretend angst, happyn'harmonic gibberish and simple observations of experiences that seem to show up on the stage.

Why in the name of all that's pure and holy am I doing this?? Because I want to write more and writing to file it away in a computer folder is of no interest & contests are a drag. I'm blessed to have friends all over the bloody place and i'd like to connect with them in this way. So shall we.
I am inviting you to participate and witness whatever pours forth. I appreciate being playmates with you in this. Many thanks and Enjoy the game. t

p.s. Magdalena was my Greatgrandmother's name (my Mum's, Mum's, Mum) and it is also a gem of a mountain range (and town) just up the way from my home here in NM.